Grant and sponsorship funding

Did you know we award grants and sponsorships to not-for-profit organisations?

This funding supports a wide range of activities, including:

  • supporting solicitors to manage their mental health
  • developing public legal education in schools
  • promoting and developing legal aid and pro bono services to increase access to justice
  • opening more diverse routes into the profession

The funds for these awards come from the annual practising certificate and equate to around £2.50 per solicitor per year.

For project delivery between November 2023 and October 2025, we have awarded a total of £840,000 across two years and 12 projects of varied scope.

Find out more

See a breakdown of funded organisations (PDF 147 KB)

We are reviewing our approach to grant funding from 2025 onwards, ensuring that we maximise the potential benefit for the Law Society, our members and the funded organisations.