Criminal Litigation Accreditation

Our Criminal Litigation Accreditation is a recognised quality standard for practitioners in criminal litigation.

 It covers all types of criminal law work.Accredited: Criminal litigation, blue badge logo | The Law Society

You must have the accreditation to be included on local duty solicitor rotas under the Criminal Defence Service Duty Solicitor Arrangements 2001.


To apply for the accreditation, you must be a:

  • solicitor
  • barrister
  • fellow or member of the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives (CILEX)

You must be able to show that you have a high level of knowledge, skills and experience in the area of criminal litigation.

How to apply

To apply for accreditation, you’ll need to pass two assessments and submit a detailed application.

The application process takes around six to eight weeks. It can take longer if we receive high volumes of applications or if you do not give us all the information we need.

Membership lasts for five years.

Find out more about how to apply


You’ll need to pay an application fee to be accredited.

We’ll send you an invoice when we receive your application.

Application fees are non-refundable.

Application Cost Total (including VAT)
Initial application £258 £309.60

Other fees Cost Total (including VAT)
Late application £103 £123.60
Certificate re-issue £10 £12
Appeal against decision to refuse accreditation £258 £309.60

Promoting your accreditation

We have a range of materials such as logos, certificates and window stickers for you to use. 

Order promotional materials

Current members

Download a list of Criminal Litigation Accreditation members (PDF 8.5 MB)

This list is updated monthly.

Contact us

Call: 020 7320 5797


Opening hours: 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday