When can a Legal Ombudsman case fee be charged?

A former client has referred a complaint to Legal Ombudsman. When can a case fee be charged and how much is it?

The complaint is potentially chargeable according to rule 6.1 of the Legal Ombudsman (LeO) Scheme Rules unless it is:

  • out of jurisdiction, or
  • dismissed or discontinued under rule 5.7 (grounds for dismissing or discontinuing a complaint)

The fee will be charged under rule 6.2 once the case has been closed, unless:

  • the complaint has been:
    • abandoned or withdrawn, or
    • settled, resolved or determined in favour of the authorised person, and
  • LeO is satisfied that the authorised person took all reasonable steps under their complaints procedures to try to resolve the complaint

Both limbs of the test must be satisfied for the waiver to apply.

If the limbs are not satisfied, a case fee of £400 will be charged.

For more information, see LeO’s Scheme Rules and case fee guidance in chapter 6 of the Scheme Rules FAQs.


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