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I’m setting up a new firm. What should we include in our client care letters?

Our new firm is preparing anti-money laundering policies and procedures. Are there any sample or precedent client care letters we can use?

You may wish to refer to our practice note on client information requirements.

Although this does not contain sample letters, it provides solicitors with a client care checklist and includes sample paragraphs that you may wish to use as a basis for your client care letters.

To find further guidance on precedent forms and policies, you can:


While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this article, it does not constitute legal advice and cannot be relied upon as such. The Law Society does not accept any responsibility for liabilities arising as a result of reliance upon the information given.

Have you got a practice question?

Call the Practice Advice Service on 020 7320 5675 or email practiceadvice@lawsociety.org.uk.

The Practice Advice Service is staffed Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.