Celebrate Pro Bono Week 2022

The spotlight will once again be shone on the outstanding voluntary contribution made by lawyers at Pro Bono Week (7–11 November).

The annual event, which is now in its 21st year, promotes and supports the work of lawyers who volunteer their services for free to people and organisations who could not otherwise afford legal advice.

“Pro Bono Week is a great opportunity to shine a light on the important work lawyers do for free to help those in need of crucial legal advice,” said Lubna Shuja, president of the Law Society of England and Wales.

“I encourage members of the legal profession to participate in events during Pro Bono Week and consider whether they too can volunteer.

“Pro bono work helps ensure people have access to justice and enables solicitors and firms to give back to their communities.

“This year, the Law Society introduced mandatory Impact Evaluation Reports for all Pro Bono Charter signatories to ensure their commitment to pro bono continues and to showcase the variety of ways members are helping those who cannot afford or qualify for free legal advice.

“Of course, pro bono is not a substitute for legal aid. It is vital the justice system is properly funded and resourced so that access to justice is not determined by means or the lottery of whether you can find someone to help you on a charitable basis.”

Pro Bono Week is organised by a committee that includes representatives from the legal professional bodies across the four nations of the UK, pro bono charities, law schools and law firms.

It aims to encourage members of the legal profession and law students to volunteer their time, as well as highlighting pro bono work and promoting best practice.

Among the key themes at next week’s event are lawyers stepping forward when it matters in times of crises and emergency response, remote volunteering, and the climate crisis.

Lawyers looking to use their legal skills and pro bono hours to take climate action can find opportunities through the Chancery Lane Project’s new pro bono opportunities board.*

Notes to editors

About the Law Society

The Law Society is the independent professional body that works globally to support and represent solicitors, promoting the highest professional standards, the public interest and the rule of law.

Press office contact: Nick Mayo | 020 8049 4100