Law Society 2023 pay gap report

The Law Society of England and Wales has published its pay gap report for 2023.

To provide greater transparency, the Law Society has published disability, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation/identity and trans identity pay gap figures.

Law Society chief executive officer Ian Jeffery said: “In line with our Diversity and Inclusion Framework, our 2022-2023 activity focused on establishing our purpose, engaging with key stakeholders and gathering data.

“Reducing pay gaps is a priority for the Law Society and we are committed to achieving this by focussing on actions that are likely to have the biggest impact.

“We have introduced a range of measures over the past two years, including anonymised recruitment, flexible working policy and mandatory inclusive recruitment training.

“These are likely to have a positive impact on pay gaps, but will unlikely impact pay gap data collected in April 2023.

“Reducing our pay gaps to zero does not automatically equate to an equitable, diverse, and inclusive environment in which everyone can thrive. Our actions are designed to further unpack what is causing our pay gaps and realise our broader equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) vision.”


The 2023 median pay gap between male and female staff is 8.0% (in favour of male staff), lower than the national average of 14.3%.*

80.7% of male staff and 78.9% of female staff received a bonus in 2023.


The 2023 median disability pay gap is -12.0% (in favour of disabled staff), an increase of 8.5%.

More than 85% of both disabled and non-disabled staff received a bonus in 2023.


Our 2023 median pay gap for 2023 is 11.7% (in favour of White staff).

84% of staff received a bonus in 2023, for both White, Black, Asian and minority ethnic staff.

Sexual orientation/Identity and trans identity

The Law Society’s 2023 median pay gap for sexual orientation/identity and trans identity** is 7.7% (in favour of cisgender heterosexual staff). This represents an increase of 11.2%.

Close to 84% of both cisgender heterosexual individuals and LGBTQ+ individuals received a bonus in 2023.

Notes to editors

Read the Law Society’s pay gap report in full

* According to the Office for National Statistics, the 2023 UK median gender pay gap was 14.3%. View the research.

** The comparator of this data was heterosexual and cisgender identities with lesbian, gay, bisexual and other sexual orientations/ identities (LGBTQ+) and trans identities.

Find out more about our Diversity & Inclusion Framework

About the Law Society

The Law Society is the independent professional body that works globally to support and represent solicitors, promoting the highest professional standards, the public interest and the rule of law.

Press office contact: Naomi Jeffreys | 020 8049 3928