New justice secretary: new opportunity for our justice system

The president of the Law Society of England and Wales, Nick Emmerson, congratulated the new justice secretary Shabana Mahmood on her appointment:

“The appointment of the new justice secretary Shabana Mahmood is a unique opportunity to bring much-needed change to our justice system and address the longstanding neglect and underinvestment that have left it on the verge of collapse.

"The challenges ahead are significant and immediate solutions are unlikely while other priorities – like the prison crisis – demand urgent attention.

“It's crucial to acknowledge that transforming the justice system is a long-term project, requiring a collaborative effort.

"We look forward to working with Shabana Mahmood over the coming parliament and sharing the insight and experience of our members to rebuild our justice system, harness the economic power of legal services and ensure access to justice for all.

“Increasing criminal legal aid rates, investing in civil legal aid, dealing with backlogs, providing adequate funding for courts and resources are essential for a fair justice system for all.

“Law must be at the heart of the new government’s plans for economic growth. Legal services contribute £60 billion to the UK economy every year and are one of the UK's most valuable exports.

"Legal services in England and Wales are recognised as the second-largest legal market globally and by prioritising legal services in trade agreements and upholding our human rights law framework, we enhance UK's reputation as a defender of the rule of law.”

Notes to editors

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