Professional Enablers Taskforce announces crackdown on lawyers

The Ministry of Justice and the Home Office have today (8 August) announced they have launched a Professional Enablers Taskforce to crackdown on lawyers.

Law Society of England and Wales Deputy Vice President Richard Atkinson said: “This ‘taskforce’ has been around for months now, so it is not clear what, if anything, the government is announcing today. The government and regulators should share intelligence about immigration advisers of all kinds if they have concerns. And, of course, action should be taken immediately if there is evidence of wrong-doing.

“The government, regulators and law enforcement agencies already have the powers they need to deal with immigration advisers engaged in misconduct.

“The overwhelming majority of immigration lawyers continue to support the rule of law through their adherence to the law and professional standards set by the Solicitors Regulation Authority and provide an essential service to clients.

“The focus of the Home Office on a tiny minority of lawyers to which they are apparently applying considerable resources should not deflect from the fact that there remains significant backlogs in asylum claims or the unworkability of the Illegal Migration Act.”

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