Membership engagement and services

Midlands local law societies

South West local law societies

North West local law societies

Yorkshire local law societies

North East local law societies

Wales local law societies

Independent local junior lawyer divisions and groups offer help and support at a local level. They offer opportunities to network and get involved in training and events.

Find your local juniors lawyer division or group

We work closely with members across the country. For example, we:

  • organise over 100 topical events and roundtables in London, Wales and in the regions
  • support the president's programme of member engagement
  • work with member volunteers to deliver on ambitious section and network workplans
  • gather member views and insight to influence policy reform and the business environment
  • manage relationships and collaborate with over 100 organisations such as local law societies, local junior lawyers divisions and other groups of solicitors and aspiring solicitors on national campaigns and projects
  • support the continuous improvement and delivery of our member offer and member journey

Contact us to find out how we can help add value to your business, represent your views and help you access our services.

Who to contact

For England, email Valeria Mancheva, head of member engagement and services, at

For Wales, email Richard Jones, engagement manager for Wales, at

Keep up to date

To keep informed, log into your free My LS account and follow the topics that interest you.

Council members

Our Council members engage regularly with members across the country.

See the list of Council constituencies and current members

Local law societies

Independent local law societies and community groups offer help and support at a local level. They offer opportunities to network and get involved in training and events.