Add People

In an industry like legal where ‘getting it right’ is so important, Add People provides digital marketing that is backed by experts and proven to deliver.
Exterior of the Add People office. A white logo with black text reading 'Add People' with the subheading 'digital marketing experts' on a brick building.
Exterior of the Add People office. A white logo with black text reading 'Add People' with the subheading 'digital marketing experts' on a brick building.

Add People logo: a blue square surrounded by four blue circles.

Digital marketing that understands the legal industry

Your clients shouldn't trust just anybody to represent them, and you should be just as fickle when it comes to who you work with for your digital marketing.

You need to take it seriously because your competitors will be, and just having a website simply doesn't cut it anymore. That is why Add People has become the first-ever digital marketing agency to work with the Law Society.

With over 20 years of experience growing small-to-medium-sized businesses across the UK and beyond, Add People is using this innovative relationship to take how they can serve the legal industry to the next level.

This all means that we can offer these exclusive benefits to members of the Law Society:

  • free digital marketing audits from a team of experts
  • guidance from SEO and PPC veterans who have spent years growing law businesses like yours
  • 20% off your first month with us

Why digital marketing is so important to the legal industry

96% of people begin their journey for legal advice with a search engine. If you're interested in only 4% of your market, then fine, you can try and get by without any digital marketing.

However, if you'd rather target the 96%, you need to ensure that your website is effective and ranks well on search engines for the searches your target audience makes. After all, when was the last time you went to page seven of Google?

Other studies have shown that 72% of people only contact one solicitor in their hunt, while 75% of lawyers consider their website to be the most effective marketing tool.

If your website isn't delivering the leads you want, it's not because it doesn't work, it just needs some work.

After all, we've helped grow plenty of legal businesses just like yours – but why do they continue to work with us?

How Add People help legal businesses

As a business, you have three options:

Add nobody and do it all yourself – this works for small operations, but can get very limiting, very fast

You can add a marketing hire, which is better but can require a lot of financial overheads on tools and equipment, and you risk them leaving at any time.

Finally, there's option three: Add People.

As a full-service agency, you're not getting access to just one person: you're getting access to hundreds – all with their own specialities and experience.

That means that whatever you need, there's someone in the team who can help.

You don't need to split your money and attention between three different agencies for three different things, either; we offer everything in one place.

From pay-per-click (PPC) advertising to get quality leads fast, conversion rate optimisation (CRO) to convert the leads that land on your website, or search engine optimisation (SEO) to get them there in the first place: whatever a legal business needs, we can provide.

We've seen (and fixed) it all before.

This relationship with the Law Society isn't just a huge badge of honour, but stands alongside many other valuable partnerships we have.

From Facebook and Microsoft to American Express and Amazon, we've built relationships with these so you don't need to.

What next?

So, if you're eager to learn more about how digital marketing can help your business (and even get some actionable advice), reach out to our team.

Our status with the Law Society means we can offer you a free audit of your current marketing, to show you what's going well and what needs a little more work to truly get the most from your marketing.