Your AML obligations involve more than ID checks and KYC. AMLCC is the complete AML solution. Created by regulated professionals, for regulated professionals, we know exactly what you need to comply with your all AML obligations. We’ve enabled thousands of regulated professionals to pass their supervisory visits since 2008.
AMLCC logo: Compliance | Risk Management | Education, black text with image of three red interlocked hexagons 

Train your staff

Online, on-demand videos and CPD assessments for different seniorities of staff give your whole workforce strong AML knowledge.

  • Cover the foundations for all staff with business-wide training
  • Get your senior management on board with an additional video dedicated to their responsibilities
  • Stay ahead of the curve with dedicated training on sector risks and emerging threats, like cryptocurrency

Create all your firm’s AML documentation

Build a history of written evidence that shows your compliance with the AML regulations. And access these quickly and easily, including all previous versions.

  • Build bespoke risk assessments, for the whole business and your separate services
  • Customise your AML PCPs using the risks identified in your business risk assessments
  • Get notified of changes to legislation so you can include these in your documents  

Manage all your client risks

Get a complete, accurate view of each client, including when enhanced due diligence is required. You can add comments or upload supporting documents to any risk assessment question.

  • Risk assess new clients and verify their beneficial owners
  • Join the dots with secondary client-risk assessments for individual matters or transactions
  • Store all identity verification and validation documents securely in each client’s profile

Optional digital identity checks can also be bought and stored using AMLCC.

Complete a report using the internal SAR portal

AMLCC’s SAR portal asks the same questions, in the same order, as the National Crime Agency’s SAR portal. If your MLRO decides to make an external report, they have all the relevant information at their fingertips.

  • Knowledge or suspicion of money laundering by your team can easily be reported internally
  • Formalise your suspicious activity reporting, with reports sent directly to your MLRO
  • Record your MLRO’s decision-making process for each internal SAR report 

Gain control with the live risk dashboard

View your whole business’ AML risk status from the live risk dashboard, which shows you a summary of all your business’ risks.

  • Quickly view the live status of client risk assessments and future AML work
  • Understand where resources need to be directed
  • Navigate the whole AMLCC platform from a central location 

Prove your compliance

Every policy document, risk assessment and training record is time and date stamped. This offers instant proof of your compliance to your supervisor or law enforcement.

  • Grant your supervisor read-only access to your AMLCC platform
  • Produce all the evidence you need to prove your AML compliance in the click of a button
A white man with short, dark brown hair smiles while talking on a mobile phone. He sits in a modern office, next to an open laptop, which he gestures at as he talks.
A white man with short, dark brown hair smiles while talking on a mobile phone. He sits in a modern office, next to an open laptop, which he gestures at as he talks.