Searching for a solicitor
Find a solicitor in England and Wales using our free website
When you search, you can filter by:
- your legal issue, for example employment
- a postcode, town or country
- the name of a solicitor
- the name of a firm
The results will show a list of solicitors. You can make a further search for solicitors who speak your language
and who provide:
- legal aid
- disabled access
- hearing inductions
- British sign language
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Contact a solicitor
If you want to use a solicitor, you can contact them through our
Find a Solicitor website. Search results will show you:
- a solicitor’s phone number and email address
- an enquiry form you can fill in to be contacted by them
Accreditations are awarded to solicitors and firms who meet the highest standards in a specific area of law. These
are standards in:
- technical legal skills
- client care
To find your nearest accredited solicitor, search our
Find a Solicitor website and then filter the results by ticking
the ‘accredited specialists only’ box.