Introduction to lawtech
Our introductory guide to lawtech will help solicitors and others delivering legal services to consider the merits of technology in their professional practice.
Designed around nine key questions about lawtech, the guide brings together:
- Law Society research
- information about the types of products that are available
- information about the barriers and drivers to adoption
- tips for successfully implementing new technology in firms
As well as summarising the key information, the guide also provides links to articles, reports and podcasts for those wanting to research lawtech in more detail.
The guide is written, in particular, for smaller firms and sole practitioners, who typically lack the resources of larger legal businesses when considering adopting new technology. We provide ideas on how to align technology with your business strategy.
What is lawtech?
Lawtech is the term we use to describe technologies that aim to support, supplement or replace traditional methods for delivering legal services, or that improve the way the justice system operates.
Lawtech covers a wide range of tools and processes, such as:
- document automation
- advanced chatbots and practice management tools
- predictive artificial intelligence
- smart legal contracts
- knowledge management and research systems
The lawtech sector consists of law firms delivering legal services through technology, and the vendors that develop and supply technology solutions to those firms.
Systems are already available that can draft documents, undertake legal research, disclose documents in litigation, perform due diligence and provide legal guidance, and resolve disputes online.
How lawtech benefits legal services
The benefits of lawtech include:
- increased efficiency, productivity and growth
- reduced costs
- better outcomes for clients and organisations
Together with the LawTech Delivery Panel, we aim to tackle impediments to, and identify catalysts for, growth. This lets us:
- encourage technological innovation in the legal sector
- support the growth of UK lawtech
- promote the use of English law and UK jurisdiction
- make sure the ethical issues surrounding lawtech are fully considered
- make sure lawyers have opportunities to learn about and use lawtech in their work
- promote electronic dispute resolution