Representing clients at section 2 CJA interviews

This version has been archived

The SRA Handbook (version 21) was replaced by the SRA Standards and Regulations on, and with effect from, 25 November 2019.

This practice note will shortly be updated to reflect the introduction of the SRA Standards and Regulations. Until then, you are advised to check any references in the practice note to the current Handbook against the new Standards and Regulations to ensure that you are aware of the up-to-date position on all issues to which the practice note refers.

The Serious Fraud Office (SFO) recently published revised operational guidance on the presence of an interviewee’s legal adviser at a section 2 interview (section 2 Criminal Justice Act 1987), addressed to interviewees and their lawyers.

The purpose of this practice note is to draw your attention to the potential issues raised by this guidance, and to remind you of the considerations which should inform your interactions with the SFO in circumstances where the guidance applies.

This practice note is the Law Society’s view of good practice in this area, and is not legal advice. For more information see the legal status.