Legally Disabled? Two years on

To mark the anniversary of the first Legally Disabled? research, we speak to Dr Natasha Hirst, one of the researchers, about the journey of the project since its launch in 2020.

This research was created by disabled people, for disabled people with our Lawyers with Disabilities Division being a key partner in the production.

This intentional decision was made to ensure that the recommendations included in the report would be meaningful and make a real difference for the people affected.

This has been the main reason why this research continues to drive change two years on.

About the research

The research captures and explores the experiences of disabled people in the legal profession with an aim to discover:

  • what barriers exist to gaining employment and career progression and how these may influence the choices people make within the profession
  • what factors have proved successful in addressing or mitigating some of these barriers

It identified ways in which the sector can create change in order to become more inclusive and accessible for disabled people.

In summer 2020, follow up research was conducted to understand the impact of the pandemic on the careers, and lives, of disabled people.  

Download the Legally Disabled? reports

What’s happened since

Over the last two years, we’ve continued to work closely with Professor Debbie Foster, lead researcher, and Dr Natasha Hirst to support the profession with disability inclusion.

Through guidance, resources and additional research, we’ve equipped the profession with insights and support for disabled people, offering organisations operating in the profession a place to start in embedding equity, accessibility and inclusion for disabled people.

Use the resources below to support your disabled employees and colleagues:

If you’d like to know more about our work, get involved or tell us your experience, email our D&I team.