How biodiversity loss could disrupt businesses in the next 10 years

One of the most challenging legal questions in the next few years will be how to hold corporate actors accountable for biodiversity loss. Ahead of COP 15 in December 2022, we’re exploring the implications of biodiversity loss and the demands on the legal profession.

Future Worlds 2050

In 2020, our Future Worlds 2050 project explored what our world would look like by 2050.

Watch our video discussing what we can expect to see in 2050

Biodiversity and lawyers

Changes in biological ecosystems often produce unanticipated consequences and calls for legal accountability.

Lawyers have begun to explore some of these consequences by:

  • asking what we require of law in an age of climate crisis, and
  • helping to reframe and expand our understandings of biodiversity and the implications of its loss

What’s in the report?

Nigel Brook, Zaneta Sedilekova and Catriona Campbell from Clyde & Co LLP highlight some of the many ways that biodiversity loss could disrupt our businesses in the next decade.

Through examples of legal cases, our report showcases the importance of the legal profession in acting for and within nature.

With wider societal calls for the stewardship of nature and how we protect our global co-habitants, the authors also address our relationships with nature and the ‘rights of nature’.