About the Women Solicitors Network
01 Jan 2018
Less than 1 minute read
Promoting inclusion in the legal profession, reflecting the diversity of our society, and celebrating the achievements of women solicitors.
What we do
We support and advise all women solicitors – from trainees to retirees.
We share:
- relevant news
- expertise and experience
- regulatory and management information
We offer practical support and guidance, including career development.
We also commission articles from leading women solicitors and legal commentators on topics relevant to women in law.
Why you should join us
- Networking opportunities
- Regular newsletters and updates
- Access to a community of women solicitors
- Events such as an annual conference and the Fiona Woolf lecture
How to join
To join, follow us in My LS by using the green sign-up button at the top of this page, or add Woman Solicitors Network to your favourite My LS topics.
For more information, email womensolicitors@lawsociety.org.uk.