Your first-year checklist
For many of you, this could be your first time living away from home. Combined with a challenging course, unfamiliar places and making new friends, feeling overwhelmed is normal.
Remember that this journey offers incredible opportunities for personal growth, lifelong friendships, and the chance to develop skills throughout your future career.
Make a strong start
Your first year is as important as your second and third. Firms often ask for a breakdown of your actual and predicted module results, including from the first year. So, work hard from the outset to successfully apply for vacation placements and training positions.
Use your first year to build a foundation to make yourself a strong candidate for work placements (vacation schemes) and training positions.
Explore our page on developing essential skills.
Our top tips
1. Talk to your career adviser about your law degree pathway, including career fairs, open days, and work experience
2. Attend events and programmes aimed at students
3. Find legal work experience, this will provide insight into the different types of firms
4. Any work experience undertaken, even at this stage will enhance your CV and count towards qualifying work experience (QWE) if you are providing legal services and developing skills required to work as a solicitor
5. Think about and research where you want to work and what practice area you want to work in
6. Consider extracurricular activities that will help you stand out
Find out more
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We’re here to support you at every stage of your career, from qualification through to retirement.
Explore our learning and development training
Live online classroom:
Networking – Free online courses:
Essential skills for practice – taking terrifying out of networking
Essential skills for practice – the constructive mindset of a really great networker
Essential skills for practice – the key stages of professional engagement
Essential skills for practice – impactful conversations for successful professional engagement
Leadership online courses: