Our donors and who we've helped
10 Nov 2020
2 minutes read
Our donors
From 2009 to the present, we’ve received donations ranging anywhere from 44p to £8,851.79.
Solicitors and firms who donated in this time period were:
Aequitas Legal | John P Martin & Co Solicitors* |
Alasdair Watson & Co |
Johnson & Gaunt Solicitors |
Alderson Law |
Jones & Co Solicitors |
Ames Kent Solicitors* | Jones Nickolds Ltd |
Andrew Isaacs Solicitor* | Joseph Watson* |
AP Solicitors* |
Kaim Todner Solicitors Ltd |
Armstrong Private Client Solicitors Ltd | Keystone Law |
A S Matthews Ltd Solicitors | Kidwells Law Solicitors Ltd |
Barry Ferguson Solicitor | Kingsfords Solicitors* |
Batchelors Solicitors | Kirkwoods Solicitors |
Bindmans LLP* | Kirty Patel |
Black Norman Solicitors | Landons Solicitors |
Brahams Dutt Badrick French LLP | Lewis & Co Solicitors Ltd |
Brains Solicitors | Lin & Co Solicitors |
Brighouses Solicitors | Magrath Sheldrick Solicitors LLP* |
Brookman Solicitors* | Marshall Hatchick Solicitors |
Butcher Burns LLP Solicitors | Matthew & Matthew Solicitors LLP |
Carpenter & Co Solicitors | McCue & Partners LLP |
City Law Chambers | MFI Law* |
Clapham & Collinge Solicitors* | Michael Mathews |
Coole Bevis | Miller Gardner Solicitors |
Core Legal | Miles Preston & Co |
Corries Solicitors Ltd | Milners Solicitors* |
Currey & Co Solicitors | Mitchell Wilde LLP |
David Rubie, Mitchell & Co Solicitors | Morgan & Richardson Solicitors* |
Dawson Hart Solicitors* | Moss & Co Solicitors |
Dorsey & Whitney Europe LLP | Mowll & Mowll Solicitors* |
Downs Solicitors LLP* | MRH Solicitors* |
Drew Jones Solicitors* | Nabas International Lawyers* |
Duncan Moghal Solicitors | Naughton’s Solicitors* |
Eason Law LLP | Noorani Law |
EBL Miller Rosenfalck* | ODT Solicitors* |
Ellis & Co Solicitors | Palmers Solicitors* |
Equitas Solicitors* | Pelmans Solicitors |
Equilibrium Law Ltd | Phillips & Co Solicitors |
Ewing & Co Solicitors | Plexus Law Group |
Family Law Associates | Pooley Bendall Watson Solicitors |
Fenchurch Law | Poppleston Allen |
Forbes Hall LLP* | Ratcliffes Solicitors* |
Fosters Solicitors* | Sheltons Solicitors* |
Frederic Hall Solicitors | Sidley Austin LLP* |
Gepp & Sons Solicitors* | Simpsons Solicitors |
Gerard Maye Solicitors | Sinclair Gibson LLP |
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher |
Sort Legal Ltd* |
Gill & Co Solicitors* | SRP Law Solicitors* |
Glaisyers Solicitors* | Stamp Jackson & Proctor LLP |
Gordon Brown Law* | Stephen & Richard Solicitors LLP* |
Gordon Brown Law Firm LLP* | Stephen Murray & Co Solicitors |
Gowmans Solicitors | Steven Warne Solicitor* |
Harcus Sinclair | Stripes Solicitors |
Hardman & Whittles | Stokes Partners LLP* |
Harrops & Hepburn Solicitors* | Stunt Palmer & Robinson* |
Harrys Solicitors LLP/Flint Bishop* | Taylor Rose TTKW Ltd |
Henry Lees Solicitors | Tennant & Knight Solicitors |
Hepburn Delaney Solicitors |
Thakkar & Co Solicitors |
Hertfordshire Law Society * |
The Book People* |
Hetts Solicitors* | The Law Society Educational Trust Fund |
Hewitts Solicitors* | Tilly Bailey & Irvine LLP* |
Heyman & Co Solicitors | Waterfields Solicitors* |
HK Solicitors | Watkins Stewart & Ross Solicitors* |
Hogans Solicitors* | WBW Solicitors |
Hopkin Murray Beskine Solicitors | Wesleyan Bank |
HSW Law Ltd |
Wilkins Solicitors |
Hughes Paddison Solicitors | Wilson & Berry Solicitors |
Hutsby Mees Solicitors* | Wilson Solicitors LLP* |
Hyland Fitzwater | Winch & Winch Solicitors |
J A Forrest & Co | Woodroffes Solicitors |
James Mason Tucker |
Woolly Bevis Diplock LLP |
Jay Vadher & Co Solicitors |
*made multiple donations
This list is not exhaustive.
Who we've helped
Over the past 12 years, we’ve given grants to:
Advice on Individual Rights in Europe Centre* | LawWorks |
Advocates for International Development | Legal Action Group Education & Service Trust Ltd |
Amicus Andrew Lee Jones Fund | Liverpool Access to Justice Charity |
Asylum Support Appeals Project | London Advice Services Alliance Co Ltd* |
Bail for Immigration Detainees* | Mary Ward Legal Centre |
Bar Human Rights Committee | National Federation of Gypsy Liaison Groups |
Beyond Words | National Justice Museum |
Book Aid International* | Nidas |
British & Irish Legal Information Institute* | Norfolk Community Service |
Cambridge House & Talbot | Northumbria Law School |
Central London Law Centre | Peace Brigades International UK Section* |
Centre for Women’s Justice | Prisoners Abroad* |
Children’s Right Alliance for England | Prisoners' Advice Service* |
Citizenship Foundation, The Legal Education Foundation | Prisoners’ of Conscience Appeal Fund* |
Columbian Caravana Ltd* | Prison Radio Association |
Detention Advice Service* | Reprieve* |
Disability & Development Partners | Re-Unite International Child Abduction Centre |
Discrimination Law Association* | Roma Support Group |
East Africa Law Society Tanzania | South London Law Society |
Egalitarian Trust, The Royal Courts of Justice | Swan Advocacy |
Environmental Law Association | The Advice Centre on Individual Rights in Europe* |
Fair Trials* | The British Institute of Human Rights* |
Families Need Fathers | The Howard League for Penal Reform |
Helena Kennedy Foundation* | The Incorporated Council of Law Reporting* |
Hope for Justice | The Law Society’s Educational Trust, Diversity Access Scholarship Programme* |
Huddersfield Law Society Uganda Patongo Project* | The Law Society’s Human Rights Symposium |
Inquest Charitable Trust | The Open Justice Centre |
International Law Book Facility | The Personal Support Unit, The Royal Courts of Justice* |
Inside Justice | UK Gay & Lesbian Immigration Group* |
International Senior Lawyers Project | University of Cape Town Trust* |
Justice* | University of Essex Human Rights Centre |
Justice Defenders* | University of the South Pacific School of Law |
LawCare* | Unlock |
Law Centre Network | Working Families* |
Law Society of Zimbabwe | Zacchaeus 2000 Trust* |
*received repeat funding
List is not exhaustive.