Subscription database
As well as searching our comprehensive collection of printed legal materials for you, we can also search our
subscription databases; Westlaw, Lexis+, vLex Justis and PIO.
We can usually send you the useful extracts we find using our document delivery service for a fee.
We can search our legal encyclopedias and a range of textbooks for the most appropriate precedents to answer your
We can find, for example, court forms, specific will clauses, and lease agreements.
We can check our extensive collection of practitioner textbooks to find relevant commentary.
If you need to research the law at a particular point in time, we have old editions of practitioner textbooks
dating back to the early 19th century.
We can find legislation as original, as amended, or update it to a particular point in time. We can research how
legislation has been used and find related resources.
We have House of Commons papers and Hansard debates from the past 200 years, pre-Hansard material from 1066
onwards, as well as a daily updated database of official documents. We can find all kinds of parliamentary
materials and official documents, including command papers and different versions of bills.
We can find cases on a topic and check for subsequent and related cases.
Journal articles
We can search our large collection of legal journals, abstracts and indexes to help you find what has been written
about a topic or to locate specific articles.
Historical enquiries
We can help with historical enquiries and we keep superseded editions and original legislation. Using our
historical collections and directories, we can also help trace past solicitors and law firms which no longer
For example, if you need to know what a section of an act was on a certain date, or what the 14th edition of
Chitty on Contracts said on a specific subject, we can trace this for you.
Corporate archive enquiries
We can search Law Society Council, Board and Committee documentation to find information about our policy
decisions or responses.
Contact us to request information from our corporate archive. Requests are dealt with under our Freedom of
Information Code of Practice.
Standard research that takes us less than 30 minutes is free to members. We have two levels of service:
Standard: normally completed within 48 hours
Premium: completed the same day, if we receive your enquiry before 2pm
Service |
Charge per 30 minutes of research |
Standard |
First 30 minutes free, then £30 + VAT |
Premium |
£30 +VAT |