New accelerator TiPS to provide firms financial support for AI and lawtech

A range of support packages are now available as part of a £1.8 million accelerator project, Technology in Professional Services (TiPS), led by Lancaster University Management School (LUMS), working with Oxford Brookes University and Hyperscale Group Limited.
The TiPS accelerator is part of a programme called Next Generation Professional and Financial Services, delivered by Innovate UK and ESRC, which aims to help professional service sectors develop and use digital technologies.
The Law Society is one of the TiPS project partners, advising on the design and delivery of the project.
What’s involved
Mid-tier and smaller firms are being sought to work with researchers and accounting and law specialists on the three support ‘pathways’ to access practical, tailored help for firms at different stages of technology adoption.
The TiPS accelerator is currently recruiting firms to take part in their foundation pathway, which involves training and support to use readily available technologies such as Microsoft 365. This is ideal for firms interested in kick-starting their adoption of digital technology.
Firms will be expected to commit to two days of training plus four shorter consultation and follow up sessions, over a 12-week period.
How to apply
Any UK law firm interested in registering to get involved or that wants to talk to researchers about the project is encouraged to visit the TiPS Accelerator website and complete an expression of interest form.
The deadline for applications is Thursday 30 May.
The primary target for support is practising lawyers and accountants, rather than in-house technical staff.
TiPS would especially like to contact organisations supporting underserved clients (law centres, for example).
Research team
The research team is led by Professor Martin Spring and includes Professors James Faulconbridge and Katy Mason from Lancaster University.
They are working with Professor Tim Vorley, Dr Tzameret Rubin, Dr Francisco Trincado Munoz and Hilary Smyth-Allen from Oxford Brookes University, and Derek Southall from Hyperscale Group Limited.
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