Step 3 – ensure performance

Your diversity and inclusion (D&I) initiatives need good governance, transparency and recognition to ensure they are effectively implemented, regularly monitored, learning is applied and improvement happens.

3.1 Governance

What is governance?

Governance provides a framework for how decisions are made and where accountability ultimately lies. It's normally delivered through a board, committee or steering group.

Why is governance important?

Governance is important because it:

  • unblocks barriers to progress by prioritising D&I
  • provides ultimate accountability for meeting goals
  • enables decisions to be made on risks and emerging issues, including when a change of direction or re-prioritisation is necessary
  • ensures a long-term focus on D&I and ongoing learning and improvement

Actions to establish ongoing governance

Further resources

This article explains why accountability is essential for performance, and it's created by involving leaders and managers in developing the D&I rationale, getting them to help solve D&I problems, listen and respond to feedback:

3.2 Transparency

What is transparency?

Transparency is about being open and disclosing information about progress on D&I in a way that makes it easy for people to understand.

Why is transparency important?

Transparency is important because it helps ensure accountability and provides recognition. It embeds a ‘comply or explain’ approach, motivating people to act or explain why not.

Transparency recognises and brings to light where progress has been made and encourages efforts to continue.

Actions for effective transparency

To be effective, the information disclosed needs to be ‘salient, simple, and comparable’:

Further resources

3.3 Recognition

What is recognition of D&I?

This means recognising efforts and behaviours that contribute towards D&I.

Recognition conveys that D&I is not just the responsibility of D&I specialists but is part of everybody’s everyday responsibility.

Why is recognition of D&I efforts important?

It's easy for the efforts and behaviours of colleagues outside of formal D&I roles (such as employee network groups, D&I champions or reverse mentors) to go unnoticed or to be considered a free resource.

There is a risk that career opportunities and experiences become hampered when people dedicate more of their time towards helping to drive D&I progress – and many will be from groups who are under-represented in the workforce and in senior roles.

Setting objectives and ensuring recognition for D&I activity, in the spirit of ‘you reward what you value’ is also more likely to get everyone involved.

Actions for D&I recognition

Further resources

This factsheet identifies the importance of valuing employee networks and creating capacity for those involved in running them:

3.4 Checkpoint

Checkbox Checkpoint Have you established a governance structure for your D&I work? Does it include a senior board level representative?

Checkbox Checkpoint Have you ensured that those involved in D&I governance are diverse, visible, and accessible to staff, and uphold D&I values?

Checkbox Checkpoint Do those responsible for D&I governance meet regularly and do they have sufficient information to reflect on progress, mitigate risks or deal with emerging issues?

Checkbox Checkpoint Are you being transparent about your performance on D&I in a way that is simple to understand, authentic, relevant to your goals, and likely to help drive change?

Checkbox Checkpoint Have you considered what metrics or questions clients are likely to ask to assess your D&I performance?

Checkbox Checkpoint Have you considered participating in external schemes to be transparent about your D&I performance? If so, do they help drive action to achieve your D&I goals and are the resources required proportionate?

Checkbox Checkpoint Have you established ways of recognising and rewarding D&I efforts and outcomes in your firm?

Download the checklist (PDF 135 KB)

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